Pocket Maps of the Mind: (Residues of Memory) Curated by Veeranganakumari Solanki

23 September - 7 November 2014



A real space, sound and visual connects with the residues of memories in individual mindscapes. The mind then delves into pockets of past and present time to create personal maps, which comprise of the virtual and the real. This labyrinth is discreetly compartmentalised into a library of memories from which we draw out reference cards of objects, smells, voices, pictures, emotions, sounds and experiences. The pace, at which we proceed through a day within these frames, differs in accordance with the revenues of time we need to deposit for a memory when it is pulled out from the mind's archives.


Seven raconteurs (the artists of this exhibition) engage the visiting registers of memory maps through interactive works that involve the carrier of these inventories to participate mentally, emotionally and physically. The artists have translated memories and facts that have been mapped, manipulated, created, contrived and planned according to emotions, social existence and perceptions of another. Private emotions are revived and witnessed via sound, spaces, pixels, letters, hopeful thoughts and feelings. This involvement causes an experience of memory to be registered in affiliation with the residues that are stirred.


The transgression of winning memory bids is manipulated by facts, histories, and fantasies which are revived from known departures of dismissed time. In the digital era, we operate
the manner in which we choose to leave behind contemporary footprints of memory. However, the act of selecting this over another option is that, which will remain as a private residue in the pocket maps of your mind. In these pocket grids we stack and shuffle data and details that sift in terrains of utopias from pasts and futures here we freeze and overlap moments and create personal paths outside of public knowledge. These are the perilous utopias created due to the inevitability of emotions being exposed to a public domain.


These however, can never be destroyed, because in our minds' maps they will always exist as residues of memory.